Reclamation District 800: $1,250,000 Solar Project Financing Completed

Reclamation District 800: $1,250,000 Solar Project Financing Completed

March 4, 2025
Reclamation District 800

The Deal:

RidgelineMunicipal Strategies, LLC served as a municipal advisor to the Reclamation District 800 ("District") on a $1,250,000 Solar Project Lease Financing ("Financing"). The Financing was structured as a private placement / equipment lease and provided funding for the District to fund a solar power generation and energy storage project ("Project").


The District:

The District is responsible for the operation and maintenance of nearly 19 miles of levees protecting 7,000 acres of agricultural, urban, commercial and industrial land. It provides flood protection and manages drainage and water circulation for 3,600 properties in the Discovery Bay / Byron Tract community of Northern California.


The Scope:

Ridgeline provided the following services to the District:

  • Overview of financing options and preparation of financing strategy
  • Assistance with the preparation of a request for proposals
  • Assistance with review of financing proposals, lender selection, and financing terms negotiation
  • Financing documents review
  • Financing process coordination


The Outcome:

The District retained Ridgeline to provide municipal advisory services on the Financing. Ridgeline helped the District develop a financing strategy for the $1.25 million solar power generation and energy storage project.

After considering various financing strictures, the District selected to pursue a privately placed equipment lease option due to the optimal cost, timing, and collateral requirements alignment.

The 10-year term of the Financing allows the District ample time to complete the Project and minimize interest costs for better utilization of taxpayer funds.

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About Ridgeline

Ridgeline Municipal Strategies, LLC is an independent registered municipal advisory and financial consulting firm assisting cities and special districts with financial planning and financing for infrastructure, facilities, and equipment.