Funding Strategies for California’s cities, water and wastewater agencies, and fire departments
No matter how good a proposal may sound, it does not work if there is no funding for it. Intuition and happy thoughts that money will come through somehow only go that far. In the end, you need solid and independent financial analysis and plan to support your decisions.
This is where Ridgeline can help. We support you with in-depth financial modeling and due diligence you need. We work in your best interest and develop unbiased analysis and financing studies that you can use to make decisions that are firmly grounded in financial reality.
We help you cut through complexity, make better financial decisions, and get projects funded.
Financial Planning
California public agencies must adhere to many regulatory requirements under Proposition 218, Mitigation Fee Act, and other legislation. Grounded in fiscal reality, our planning services help you evaluate and fine-tune strategies and projects with in-depth financial analysis.
Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is crucial for long-term fiscal resiliency, new service launches, area annexations, and district consolidation. When your vision is clear, decisions become easy.
Implementation and Compliance Support
Once strategic and financial plans are in place, we help you with their implementation and compliance reporting through: